Categories: Dog Crate Accessories

Great Dog Crate Accessories

Dogs quickly become like family members, and this makes having right dog crate and dog crate accessories to train them important. Families cannot simply purchase a dog crate and stick their dog inside of it. Even the perfect dog crate needs accessories both to make training easier and to give the beloved pet greater comfort when traveling or just relaxing at home.

Crate accessories are in abundance on the market. Some are useful; some are cute. However, what any pet owner should be focused on is affordability and accessories which are truly helpful in keeping dogs comfortable. The following are different dog crate accessories listed by function.

Crate cups and feeders
Just like the rest of the family, a pet’s comfort and wellbeing is impossible without food and drink. Of the various cups and feeders available, the best are those that attach to the crate. By making the dish stay put, these will reduce spillage and make transportation easier. Look for those that will attach security to the crate but can be taken on and off easily. They should also be tough and resistant to corrosion.

Special water bottles designed to allow dogs to drink without the danger of spilling can also be attached to the crate.

Dog crate fans
While making sure the crate offers adequate air flow should be taken into account when purchasing it, this alone is often not enough to keep a dog cool. Specially designed fans can be attached to the crate to move out hot air and bring in fresh cool air. Since a dog cannot adjust a fan, many of these have thermostats and variable-speed  fans that will automatically turn on at a preset temperature. They often run on battery power, so they can be used anywhere.

Trays make training, accidents and cleaning up a lot less trying. These are designed to be light weight and easily cleaned. Since they are often the first thing that needs replacement with dog crates, replacement trays are also available.

Mats, pads and beds
Dog mats, dog crate pads and beds provide the same protection as trays while giving the dog greater comfort. These are often stylishly designed and machine washable. Usable both inside and outside crates, dogs can become attached to them.

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Beds provide comfort and a soft place for a dog to lay or sit on. Dogs can sleep anywhere, but a soft, plush bed to sleep on is appreciated by any dog, no matter the size or breed. For the owners, there are even designer dog beds for those who want them to add to room décor.

Dog crate covers
These can provide warmth, protection from the sun and weather and a sense of security all at the same time. Dog crate covers generally are made of a machine-washable fabric that makes them easy to maintain. Another important benefit is that they can keep hair and dog danger from spreading throughout the house. They are slipped over the top of the cage creating an environment of comfort and solace for dogs.

These are important in the training process, since giving dogs too much space as they grow into their crates is inviting them to relieve themselves in a part of the crate they are not sleeping in.

Dog crate dollies or kennel carts
Those with big dogs or smaller muscles can make moving their dog crate a lot easier with these carts. Look for durable carts with swivel wheels and handles. The cart size also needs to match the crate.

Toys such as plush animals can be placed inside the crate so the dog will not feel so alone when traveling. These intelligent animals need stimulation just as their families do.

Dogs would rather be hanging out with their families, but there are times they need to be in dog crates. When this occurs, everyone should want their dogs to be comfortable while feeling secure. Accessories give crates a homey feeling, be it for traveling or sleeping for the night.

Dog Crate Sizes :Dogs have a long history with humans and should be treated with respect. From dog training, care, breeds and crates, I hope to offer you all the information you need to give your dogs the comfort and support they deserve and make your own life better in the process.

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