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Dog Obedience Training Tips for New Owners

If you are a new dog owner, you may be nervous about training and think this is a difficult process that is best left in hands of professionals. However, teaching your dog basic commands and behaviors is not only doable for you but necessary to avoid problems and have the best possible relationship with your dog.

Leader of the pack
First, you need to understand that dogs are pack animals. They will naturally try to determine their place in the family, and they may try to obtain the top position, alpha, if it is possible. You are the leader of the pack, and you need to make sure your puppy understands this from the day you bring him home. An alpha is strong, firm, and fair. You don’t need to yell or be harsh to dominate your puppy.

Confidence and assertiveness are traits dogs instinctively look up to as leadership traits, while nervousness and emotions provoke the opposite response.

When your puppy is young and cute, it may seem like even bad behavior is adorable. You need to overcome the reluctance to dismiss bad behavior because he is “just a puppy”. First, bad behavior is never acceptable, and letting your pet get away with it is not beneficial. Your dog won’t be a puppy forever, and as an adult dog, their behavior may not be as cute and difficult to correct.

In addition, as mothers show their pups their place from a young age in the wild, this is the time dogs are most instinctively open to training.

Be consistent
Start your dog obedience training early and be consistent, no matter how cute his behavior may seem. You are the leader, and it is the nature of the pack to obey the leader. Stay firm and be consistent and your dog will soon understand who is boss.

You should train your dog frequently, and pick times when both of you are at your best. If you are thinking about work or your dog is tired after a tough day, then training will not go well and the two of you may become frustrated. In addition, try to keep the sessions short (perhaps five minutes a command) but stimulating and fun (your dog should see it as a game), especially for a young dog. Your puppy will have a short attention span, and after a while, he will start to wander off, or chase the butterfly that landed on his nose.

Work in stages
Dog obedience training tips include starting slow and working in stages. For example, a basic command for any dog is stay. However, first you should teach your dog the command to sit. Dogs need to master this command before you begin to teach them to stay. Next you begin to teach them to stay by telling them to sit and then take a step back and tell them to say. After that, take a few more steps back, or have them stay sitting for a longer period.

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Many, complex commands should be taught in stages so that your dog can understand what is expected. Don’t get frustrated if, when teaching the second or third stage, your dog backslides sometimes on a previous stage. Even animals may require a day off or need to review a command. Just go over that stage again for a few minutes before moving on.

Set targets, but don’t expect progress to be steady. Dogs may improve in spurts, and there are often steps back on the way. In addition, as both you and your dog will have bad days, it is importance never to lose patience or your cool. On those tough days, stop, take a deep breath and try to relax. Some days training needs to be short, but it should always end on a good note.

Rewards over punishment
Excessive punishment can ruin a dog, and rewards work better. Dogs live much more in the moment, and learn from the direct consequences of what they do. Treats or affection for doing things right will reinforce proper behavior. Leeway also needs to be given for the fact that they cannot understand what you say.

When punishments are used, ignoring them, refusing to play (but for short periods of time) and other painless forms of showing your displeasure are advisable. Dogs are very in tune with their owner’s emotions and sense when you are angry.

Tools to help
While there is no substitute for a good, patient and understanding trainer, there are tools that can make obedience training easier when they are used properly. Of the top dog training devices, the following are the most useful:

Don’t lose hope
Dogs learn at their own pace, and they may not learn each command quickly. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there is something wrong with you or your dog. You just need to keep at it, and eventually you and your dog will be able to master many of the basic obedience commands.

Dog obedience training tips helps new dog owners understand that it is possible to train their dogs. When working with your puppy, understand that you have to be a leader, even when they are being so cute you don’t think you can stand it. You should train your puppy every week, at a time when you both are fresh and able to concentrate. Break down complex commands into stages and don’t get frustrated if your puppy doesn’t learn right away. Soon, you will have a young dog that is fun, good, and pleasant member of the family.

Dog Crate Sizes :Dogs have a long history with humans and should be treated with respect. From dog training, care, breeds and crates, I hope to offer you all the information you need to give your dogs the comfort and support they deserve and make your own life better in the process.

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