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Dog Training Methods for Walking on a Leash

Walking is great exercise for dog and owner. It helps strengthen the bond between them, and lets the dog explore new environments. Perhaps you have taken walks in your neighborhood and seen two different types of dogs walking with their owners. One type walks calmly at the owner’s side, even without a leash. The other pulls and strains at the lead and barks at other animals and people they encounter along the way. If you are a new dog owner, there are dog training methods you can employ to make walking an enjoyable experience.

Start from day one
Dog walking techniques should be employed from the day you bring your puppy home. Make sure that the harness or collar you will be using fits properly and purchase a short leash, about 6’ for their first lead. Then, whenever your puppy is outside, even if they are in the backyard or in the garage with you, him on the leash.

This will teach your puppy two things. First, they will associate the leash with the outside. Second, they will learn that their place is at your side. While they are learning this behavior, they also need to learn how to behave on the leash. Don’t let them pull or bite at the leash. When they are on the leash, you dictate where the two of you go, not the other way around. Be kind but firm and the message will come across.

Don’t let them be dominant
One reason puppies may pull on the leash is to establish that they are the leader of the pack. If there are children in the household who walk the dog, this may happen more often than if a man takes the pet on their walks. Your puppy needs to understand that this is not acceptable behavior. There are different methods you can apply to prevent this form of aggressive behavior.

One way is to stop when your dog starts to pull on the leash. Don’t say anything and don’t correct them, just stand still. Eventually, the dog will come back to see what you are doing. When the dog returns to you, praise them and start walking again. If they start to pull once more stop again and repeat the process. This may be time consuming, and you may not get very far on your first few walks. However, your puppy will eventually understand that if they want to go for a walk, they have to walk with you, not lead you.

A different dog training method that corrects pulling on the leash is to turn around and walk in the other direction. When the dog feels you pulling, they will come to you to see what you are doing. Then, you praise them and walk in the original direction again. If you use this method just make sure you don’t hurt yourself or the dog by pulling too hard or walking too fast.

Reward Method
There are forms of leash training that include offering treats to bribe the pet to follow at your side on the leash. One form involves you walking in front of the puppy and offering dog training treats as they follow you. Then you stop, stand next to the dog, and tell them to sit. When they sit, you praise them and walk in front of them again. The theory behind this method is that your dog will learn to follow you when you walk and sit down every time you stop.

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Some trainers do not like these methods of training because then you have to wean the dog off the treats. Other dog professionals believe this method works quickly and effectively. It is up to you to decide if this is the type of training you want to use.

What about other dogs?
When you are on your walk, you are bound to encounter other dogs, animals or people along the way. It is important that you stay in control of the situation, and make sure the dog behaves appropriately even with these distractions. If handled the right way, walks can become another way to socialize your puppy.

First, you need to make sure your puppy is calm when they meet other animals. If your puppy gets excited and starts to bound off, stop and make the dog come back to you. Once they have calmed down, reward them and let them investigate the new arrival. If they act aggressively, reprimand them and pull them gently but firmly away. Make sure the dog calms down before reintroducing them or walking away.

Another technique is to step off the sidewalk and have the dog sit. Make them remain seated while the person or dog walks by. This method makes sure the dog stays calm, and is beneficial if the other dog is aggressive. In addition, not everyone likes dogs, and they may not want your puppy smelling them. Respect other people’s feelings as you would want them to respect yours.

Dogs love to walk. It is a good exercise, and they get to see and smell new things or maybe even get to meet a new friend. With patience, consistency and a firm hand, you can make sure that everyone enjoys your walks. Make it a family event, and have everyone use these dog training methods so that your dog gets used to walking with its new pack.

Dog Crate Sizes :Dogs have a long history with humans and should be treated with respect. From dog training, care, breeds and crates, I hope to offer you all the information you need to give your dogs the comfort and support they deserve and make your own life better in the process.

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