Categories: Dog Crate Sizes

XXL Dog Crates If You Have a Big Dog

Crating your dog is necessary for a vast number of reasons. Though you may view crating as an unfair manner in which to treat your dog, crating is actually very good for it. In the past before dogs became domesticated, they lived in the wild where they sought out dens for themselves in caves. These dens were where they turned to when they wished to sleep or relax. In the modern day, we provide our dogs with dens in the form of crates. Crating a big dog can be overwhelming and this is where XXL dog crates come in as they have been built to serve the needs of a big dog. If you are looking get a giant dog crate, you have come to the right place.

Why you should crate your giant dog

 House training

When you bring your dog home, there are lots of things that you need to teach it especially if it has not undergone training. One of those things is how to control its bowels. By crating your dog, you enable it to associate being outdoors as a green light to relieving itself as it would not want to soil its crate because it will spend hours in there. Crating a dog is also a great way to keep bad habits at bay by preventing them from developing.

Compared to dogs left outdoors when their owners are away, crated dogs have proven to show positive manners of adaptation. Where dogs in the outdoors resort to barking and digging to vent out their loneliness, crated dogs are able to spend time with your family and they are gentler in nature. Crating your dog when you are not around to monitor it is also a good way to keep it from mischief such as ruining your clothes and furniture. It is important to adequately exercise your pet to ensure proper physical and mental health.

Separation anxiety

Even human beings suffer from separation anxiety when something they are accustomed to is taken away from them. Where your dog is used to being around you at all times and has not leant how to be on its own, it will have trouble letting go of you when you leave and this may cause it a lot of stress. By crating your dog every once in a while, you will instill a sense of independence in it which will go a long way in making leaving the house easier for both of you.

Alone time

Sometimes, your dog may feel the need to be alone when it is tired or stressed out. Having a crate to go to enables it to have a safe space as it relaxes and this contributes to the well-being of your dog. It also enables your dog to have a place to run to when it gets startled.


It is quite hard to travel with a dog as you will likely be worried about its safety all the while. By getting an Impact XXL dog crate, you can travel with your dog with your mind at ease. A crate also does away with the chance that your dog may jump out of a moving car and this will keep it out of mischief.


It feels good to have a set routine with your dog as it enables you to plan your activities accordingly. Through crating, you can create a schedule so that your dog understands that as you leave the house, it will be in the crate for a given amount of time until you return. This makes it easier for you to leave and your dog can settle into the new routine at ease.

Choosing an XXL dog crate

Having seen what a blessing crating is, it is now time to get down to deciding what XXL dog crate will work best for your dog. Whatever decision you make will have an impact on the ease of crating and whether it will be an enjoyable experience for both of you. We have put together the main factors that you should consider when getting an XXL crate and why. Take a look.


Given that you have a giant dog, you should be very careful about the size of crate you get. The best way to go about getting the right XXL dog crate is by taking measurements of your dog. Take into account the weight, height, length and width of your dog. With these dimensions, you can then go ahead and look at XXL dog crates and XXXL dog crates that can fit your dog comfortably, allowing it to stretch and turn in the crate with ease.

Ensure that you do not get your dog a crate that is too big for it as this comes with a number of consequences. One, your dog will be tempted to use the extra space as a place for relieving itself and this will undo all the potty training that you have done. Secondly, being in a crate with too much room can give your dog a sense of being in a large empty room which can make it feel alone and depressed. A crate that is too small will not do any good to your dog as it will inhibit its movements and make it very uncomfortable.


Big dogs weigh a lot and as such, the build of the XXL dog crate that you choose must be able to withstand the weight of your dog. It should also not come apart if your dog gets jumpy and starts banging itself against the sides of the crate. To ensure that you get the best XXL dog crate there is, look at the construction of the crate. Make sure that proper welding has been done and that there are no soft welds in the crate to ensure that your crate can withstand impacts and stay together. Soft welded crates can easily fall apart when chewed on or hit by your dog.


The ease of cleaning your dog’s crate will have an impact on the overall level of hygiene of your dog. To do this, look for crates that have removable trays to make it more convenient for you to clean up after your dog. The material used in the crate will also determine how easy it will be to maintain a clean crate. Opt for materials such as galvanized metal which are built to last. Avoid getting a crate made of materials that absorb smells because no matter how much you clean the crate, such materials can give off a persistent dog smell.


There are very many kinds of materials that you can choose from and your choice will depend on your type of dog as well as the purpose of the crate. For instance, if you like traveling with your dog, aluminum is the best way to go as it is strong and can protect your dog from impacts, yet it is also quite light. If you plan on having your dog stay indoors, a steel crate will work well for you as they are very durable and they will provide you with use over a very long period. If your dog is not destructive, you can opt for a plastic crate which will cost you much less than a steel or aluminum crate.


Getting a dog crate is an investment and getting one that will last will surely give you your money’s worth. The durability of your XXL dog crate will depend on the construction of the crate as well as the materials used. Proper welding enhances the durability of the crate. Materials such as steel and aluminum are the best when it comes to durability as they are quite strong when compared to other materials. The finishing of the crate also plays a vital role in the durability. Finishing using materials that are resistant to rust and weather effects enables the crate to last long.


If your dog loves to take part in the activities going on around it, get a crate that has adequate spaces for it to see through to prevent it from getting anxious. However, if your dog loves to have some privacy, get a crate that does not enable it to see much of what is happening or invest in a crate cover. In choosing the level of privacy that is appropriate for your dog, take into account the level of ventilation that each crate provides. Getting a crate with minimal ventilation will make your dog uncomfortable when the crate gets stuffy and such a crate is not ideal for use during hot weather and traveling. In these circumstances, it is vital that owners purchase a crate fan to make their crate comfortable. Another options is to get a crate that has panels on the side that allow you to increase ventilation if your dog does not like being exposed while in the crate.

Best XXL Dog Crates in the Market

To make your search for an XXL dog crate easier, we have looked at the features of some of the best XXL dog crates in the market.

Midwest Life Stages Single-Door XXL Dog Crate Review

The Midwest Life Stages single-door extra extra large dog crate is the best buy for a single-door extra extra large dog crate. As its name suggests, this dog crate has been designed to take you through all the life stages of your dog with ease.  XX large dog crates are reserved for the largest breeds of dogs. You should not buy a huge dog crate for your dog simply to give them the most room. It is good for a dog to be restricted in their dog cage, which is how you develop house training with a dog crate. All Midwest dog crates come with a free divider panel that you can use to restrict the living area in the dog crate. This is great when you have a puppy, because you can buy a single dog crate and adjust it to their size as they grow.

You also get a free plastic tray that removes from the cage for easy clean up. The dog crates fold up very easily for storage or traveling, and they include carrying handles to make it even easier. Dog crate training is the preferred method of house breaking a dog. Using a dog crate, you will be able to train your dog in half the amount of time, and they are also extremely helpful for behavior problems.

Midwest dog crates come with a one-year limited warranty, although a lot of the millions of worldwide owners report still using cages in great shape for over 10 years. Unlike plastic crates, your dog will get optimal visibility and ventilation. The dog crates even come with a number of safety features like non-skid feet, rounded corners and slide bolt latches. You will not need any tools to put together or take apart a Midwest dog crate. They are ready to go out of the box in just minutes. This crate comes with multiple locks to ensure maximum security, if you are worried about your dog breaking out of the crate when you are not around. The tight wire mesh is very strong and it also provides your dog with a lot of ventilation. Its ability to fold with ease makes it great for use where you lack adequate storage space for a crate.

Though it is made of steel, it is not cumbersome to carry around and you can use it for traveling purposes with ease.


  • Portable
  • Secure
  • Strong
  • Durable
  • Ventilated


  • Many fakes in the market

Midwest Life Stages Double-Door XXL Dog Crate Review

When you want some extra accessibility to your dog cage, the Midwest Life Stages double-door XXL dog crate is an excellent choice. You should only buy a really big dog crate like this if you actually have a big dog. Smaller dogs should not be kept in a huge crate because it will be an ineffective training device. Crate training is quite possibly the best way to house train your dog. You can often train your dog in half the time using a dog crate, and they are also very effective in helping to modify behavior problems.

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You will get a number of free accessories with all Midwest dog crate sizes like a divider panel, easy to clean plastic tray, non-skid feet, slide bolt latches and rounded corners. They are also great to use on an airline because they are foldable for easy storage and travel. The free divider panel gives you an excellent way to change the size of your dog crate to adjust to the growing size of a puppy. This will allow you to buy a crate for a full-grown dog and use it through their entire lifespan.

Midwest dog crates are extremely reliable and long-lasting, plus they come with a free one-year warranty and do not require tools to assemble.

Generally, the double-door dog crates are a little more expensive than the single-door versions of the same model and size. The small amount of extra money it will cost can often come in handy. The second door is very useful for puppies that need a lot of close attention, plus it gives you an easy way to get to the back of the cage without having to crawl inside of it.

Midwest iCrate Single-Door XXL Dog Crate Review

The Midwest iCrate Single-Door series is quite possibly the most affordable of all of the Midwest dog crates. The XXL dog crate is made for the largest dogs, 90 pounds or more, and should not be used for much smaller dogs unless the dog will be growing to this size. You get a free divider panel and plastic tray that is removable and easy to clean. The divider panel will let you control the size of your dog cage so you can adjust it to the size of your dog. This is especially useful if you will be buying a puppy and want to use a single dog crate for its entire lifespan.

Standard safety features included in every Midwest dog crate are skid-free feet, slide bolt latches and rounded corners. You can even fold the crate for easy storage and traveling. The iCrate is different from the standard Life Stages series in a few ways. Some of the sizes have a slightly different height and width – the iCrate has less of each. The XXL iCrate is actually the same size as the XXL Life Stages crate. The iCrate is also more affordable than the same sized Life Stages crate, although specific prices of the models can vary, and sometimes you will be able to get a Life Stages crate of the same size for less money.

Be sure to compare current prices before you make a final decision. Besides being smaller, the iCrate is generally cheaper because of the wire mesh. They are slightly more spread out and thinner on the iCrate series. If you will be using your dog crate for traveling, the iCrate can be a smaller and lighter alternative. If you are buying a dog crate for your house, then the more durable Life Stages crate will be better in the long run.

Midwest dog crates are known for their durability and can last for a long time. Millions of dog owners all over the world trust Midwest to provide them with a safe, quality product for an affordable price. Dog crates are one of the best ways that you can house train your dog and can even help reduce behavior problems.


  • Secure
  • Durable
  • Portable
  • Ventilated


  • Sharp edges

Midwest iCrate Double-Door XXL Dog Crate Review

The Midwest iCrate double-door XXL dog crate is a better buy than the single-door model since the price difference is usually not that great. The prices fluctuate and sometimes the double-door crate will cost less as the price can drop when they are selling better. That second door can be quite handy when crating larger dogs.

You get a free divider panel and a removable, easy to clean plastic tray with all Midwest dog crates. With the divider panel, you can split your dog cage into a smaller area to fit the size of your dog. This will also allow you to buy a single dog cage for the life span of your dog. The dog crates have safety features such as rubber corners, secure sliding bolt latches and no-skid feet. The secure bolt latches are very important because they will help you rest assured that your dog will not escape from its crate. You can even fold the crate for easy storage and traveling.

Midwest makes some of the best dog crates in the world, and they have a loyal following of customers to prove it. Many of their dog crates have been reported to last for 10 years or even more. You simply cannot buy a better and more affordable dog crate anywhere.

When you buy an iCrate dog cage, you are actually getting slightly less of a dog cage than with the Life Stages. The iCrate XXL dog cage is actually the same size as the Life Stages XXL crate, but the wire meshing is slightly smaller and less densely packed. This will not affect your dog, but it does reduce the weight limit on the crate by a little. If you have an extremely large dog and will not be moving or traveling with the crate a lot, then you may be better off with the Life Stages XXL dog crate.

The bottom line is that there is no better alternative to house training or disciplining a dog than with a dog crate. You can house break a dog in half the time with a dog crate and with a lot less stress and work.

AmazonBasics Single-Door Folding Metal Dog Crate

If you are looking to housebreak your dog with ease, this crate is the way to go. It provides both safety and security to your dog and has been made with steel to make it durable. For a well ventilated, sturdy, safe and durable crate, look no further than this crate. It also comes with dividers to help you provide the appropriate amount of usable space for your growing puppy.






Hard to assemble


Getting the right XXL dog crate for your dog does not have to be a hassle. With some consideration, you are sure to get the right fit for your large dog.

Dog Crate Sizes :Dogs have a long history with humans and should be treated with respect. From dog training, care, breeds and crates, I hope to offer you all the information you need to give your dogs the comfort and support they deserve and make your own life better in the process.

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