Categories: Dog CareDog Health & Care

Complete Guide for Keeping Your Dog Healthy

In addition to providing nutrition, cleaning and other basic dog care as well being able to recognize other common dog diseases, there are a number of other less serious health aliments to be aware of and know how to treat. These are all introduced and more thoroughly covered in the links below.

Proper skin care
Dogs can get a variety of skin problems, such as hot spots, scabs, dry skin, pus and inflammation. This makes dog skin care important for every pet owner. Sometimes a simple change in diet can make a world of difference. Learn other ways to keep your dog’s skin problems, including dog dander, which can have serious consequences for those with allergies, under control.

Coughing in dogs
Dogs can cough for a variety of reasons. Dog coughs can be caused by allergies or irritants, while others are more serious and point to a collapsed trachea, pneumonia or heart disease. Find out what type of cough your dog has and whether it can be easily treated at home.

Dog drooling
All canines drool to some degree. However, excessive dog drooling can be a sign of trouble. Although it is often an emotional response (such as fear or excitement), it can also be caused by rabies, distemper, gum disease and other medical conditions. There are many causes, so it helps to thoroughly examine the dog’s mouth before calling the vet.

Fever in dogs
A fever is usually a sign that a dog’s body is fighting an infection. A fever in a dog can often go undetected, causing serious harm. Learn how to take your dog’s temperature properly and be aware of the many symptoms of fever besides a high temperature.

Upset stomach
Dogs are scavengers that will eat just about anything, so it’s no wonder that they can suffer from an upset stomach from time to time. In most cases, it can be successfully treated at home. Find out what to do and when to call the vet.

Dog diarrhea
Diarrhea in dogs is a common occurrence. Almost all dogs will experience it at some point in their lives. Although most bouts are caused by a change in diet or by eating garbage, some can be caused by diarrhea. Diarrhea is often easily treated at home.

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Ear problems
Besides ear infections, dog ear problems include parasites, debris, allergies, hormones and trauma. Learn how these common problems are diagnosed and treated.

Dog parasites
The most common dog parasites include fleas, ticks, mites, heartworms and tapeworms. Tapeworms are parasites that live in a dog’s small intestine. Diagnosing tapeworm can be tricky, as the symptoms are varied and there is not one single symptom that specifically points to tapeworm.

Among worming problems, heartworms, caused by mosquitos, are the worst. They can reach the point where the dog is carrying hundreds of worms that can harm the heart and lungs and eventually cause death. Deworming is a process that rids the dog of these parasites. Find out when to deworm your dog and what to use.

Holistic dog care
Many dog owners turn to alternative treatments to care for their dogs. These include canine massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy and herbs. Most of these treatments have little or no scientific basis, but many dog owners swear by them.

First aid for dogs
You never know when tragedy might strike your dog. An accident can bring on heavy bleeding that requires urgent medical care. Learning basic dog first aid procedures can keep your dog alive until he reaches the vet.
In addition, basic wound care techniques can help prevent infection when your dog is injured from jumping over a barbed wire fence or getting into a fight with another dog. Learn the steps to proper wound care so you can be prepared.

Medication use
There are of course illnesses were medications are required. Administering medications, especially antibiotics, to a dog must be done according to the dosage instructions. Too little of a dose will not cure the infection, while too large of a dose can cause serious health problems and even death.

Dog Crate Sizes :Dogs have a long history with humans and should be treated with respect. From dog training, care, breeds and crates, I hope to offer you all the information you need to give your dogs the comfort and support they deserve and make your own life better in the process.