Categories: Dog CareDog Diseases

Your Guide to All the Most Common Canine Diseases

A look at common canine diseases will turn up many of the same ones that afflict humans. Some breeds are more prone to certain diseases, while others are caused by genetics, old age and poor diet.

Arthritis cannot be cured, but there are many ways to manage it. If your dog has trouble moving about, canine arthritis treatment has advice and treatments to make him more comfortable.

Tumors & Cancer
Dog tumors are not always fatal. They are classified as either benign or malignant. Go to types of dog tumors to find out what you should look for as well as available treatments.

There are many types of cancer your dog can develop. For example, skin cancer, while many dog owners never consider it, is one of the most common forms of cancer in dogs. Going deeper, bone cancer occurs when a tumor is found on or near a bone. There are tens of thousands of new cases in dogs every year, but bone cancer in dogs has the information needed to prevent your dog from becoming a statistic.

Diabetes is another common disease in dogs. If not treated properly, it will only get worse and can lead to different conditions to include cataracts. Although it cannot be cured, treatments are available to include those through insulin therapy and proper diet and exercise.

Cataracts & blindness
Cataracts in dogs occur when the eye’s lens becomes cloudy. Cataracts can be genetic or caused by trauma, but most of the time, they are caused by diabetes and other chronic conditions. Although not painful, large ones may require surgery to prevent blindness.

If a dog suffers from incurable blindness from another eye condition, remember that blindness in dogs is not as serious as it is in people. http://dogcratesizes.com/blindness-in-dogs/ Dogs tend to rely more on scent and hearing, so adjusting to blindness is rather easy for dogs, although there are things owners need to know.

Ear infections
Ear infections in dogs are quite common and occur in almost every dog. Bacteria and yeast are the most frequent causes, although tumors and ear mites may be to blame as well. Because ear infections are very painful, they should be treated promptly.

Various dog conditions and diseases
 is a condition that affects red blood cells and leads to a lack of oxygen to muscles and organs. There are four major types of canine anemia. Symptoms to be aware of the so that it can be properly diagnoses include lack of energy and appetite.

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Canine distemper attacks puppies that have not been vaccinated. This serious disease occurs in three stages and requires prompt treatment with antibiotics. Without treatment, distemper can be fatal.

Canine epilepsy is a seizure disorder that affects dogs more often than other animals. Epilepsy is usually genetic and cannot be cured. However, there are now medications that can treat it. Phenobarbital is a drug commonly used to treat seizures in dogs. As it is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it is extra important to learn about the side effects and other information about this drug.

Canine hip dysplasia is common in large breeds dogs. It is a degenerative disease that affects the ball and socket of the hip. It is also genetic, but breeders can test for these diseases before breeding.

Canine lupus is an autoimmune disease. A dog’s antibodies attack organs and other tissues. There are two types of lupus, each with its own set of symptoms and treatment. It can hard to diagnose, as symptoms are not always visible.

Cushing’s disease in dogs affects the adrenal gland, which is located near the kidneys. Cortisol, which affects virtually the entire body, is overproduced. Tumors are the main cause of this disease. Diagnosis is difficult, as the symptoms often mimic those of old age.

Lyme disease in dogs is primarily caused by ticks, especially deer ticks. Dogs that spend most of their time outdoors are at risk, particularly in the spring and early fall. Noticing the signs quickly on can prevent serious damage to internal organs.

Liver disease in dogs is likely to be fatal as the liver is one of the most important organs in a dog’s body. Therefore, early detection is critical. Learn about the symptoms of liver disease to include nausea, weight loss and bloating as well as the modes of treatment available.

Dog Crate Sizes :Dogs have a long history with humans and should be treated with respect. From dog training, care, breeds and crates, I hope to offer you all the information you need to give your dogs the comfort and support they deserve and make your own life better in the process.