The Best Small Dog Crates

Midwest iCrate Double-Door Small Dog Crate Review

Buying the Midwest iCrate double-door small dog crate over the single-door model makes sense for those crate training. Our recommended vendor usually sells the double-door version for only moderately more than the single-door. In addition, remember the difference shipping can make. If the version qualifies for free shipping while the other crate does not, the overall price of the cheaper crate will be more, as this usually runs over $10.

The iCrate double-door dog crate is usually the best buy. As this dog crate includes free shipping through our recommended, trusted merchant. You will get a free divider panel with this dog crate so you can change the size of the dog crate to adjust to the size of your growing dog. It also comes with an easy to clean plastic tray that is removable for easy clean up of accidents. The dog crate includes safety features like dual secure sliding bolt latches, skid-free feet and protective rubber corners. The crate even features a fold-away design so you can travel with your dog crate or put it in storage easily.

Midwest makes a high quality dog crate product and millions of dog owners all over the world trust their dog cages. Their products are very durable, often lasting 10 years or more.

The iCrate dog crate models have less width and height than the Life Stages dog crates. They also have a smaller and less dense wire mesh for the dog cage. This helps to reduce the cost of the dog cage, but the Life Stages can be a better buy if you plan on using the dog crate at home. The iCrate makes an excellent traveling dog crate.

Buying a dog crate is one of the best ways that you can house break your dog, train them and also stop them from devastating your personal possessions!

Midwest iCrate Single-Door Small Dog Crate Review

Of all Midwest small dog crates, the iCrate single-door dog crate is the cheapest. Other models of this size of dog crate easily cost $2-15 more than this one. This dog crate comes with a free divider panels that lets you change the size of your dog crate to suit your dog’s size. This means you will only have to buy one dog crate for the entire lifespan of the dog. Millions of pet owners already trust Midwest to make them a quality product, making them one of the most popular manufacturers of dog crates in the entire world. You will also get a removable, easy to clean plastic tray in case your dog has an accident while crate training. The crate even folds up for easy traveling or convenient storage. You also get some great safety features like rubber corners, skid-free feet and secure slide bolt latches.

The iCrate is a slightly smaller dog crate than the standard Life Stages models. There is less width, height, wire mesh spacing and wire mesh thickness to provide you with a more affordable dog crate. Some people may want a more durable Life Stages model for home usage, but the iCrates make a great traveling dog crate.

If you want to house train your dog, prevent them from destroying your things and discourage them from misbehaving then a dog crate is your answer. There is not a better way to house break a dog than with a dog crate.

Midwest Life Stages Double-Door Small Dog Crate Review

Midwest Life Stages offers a double-door version of their small dog crates. Depending on what you will be using it for, it may or may not be worth the extra cost even though it is only about six dollars more. While the double-door versions are almost always recommended for larger crates, there may be no need for it with a smaller crate unless you need the easy access for a particular reason. Most recommend the concept of a dog crate because they can help you house train your dog in a fraction of the time, plus they are great to use when your dog is misbehaving and can help correct behavior problems. Midwest dog crates include free safety features like dual sliding bolt latches, rubber corners, and non-skid feet. They also come with a free divider panel so you can adjust the size of your crate to change with the growing size of a puppy. This feature can prevent you from having to buy two or more different dog crates for a single dog. You also get a removable plastic tray that makes cleaning up easy. Midwest dog crates are foldable so you can store or travel with your dog crate.

Millions of pet owners trust Midwest dog crates for their reliability and durability. Many crate owners use a single crate for the entire lifespan of their pet. Assembly is very easy, and no tools are needed.

Midwest Life Stages Single-Door Small Dog Crate Review

The Midwest Life Stages single-door small dog crate is the best buy for a single-door small dog crate. When you buy a single-door dog crate instead of a multi-door crate, you will get the cheapest possible price for the size of cage you are buying. The Midwest Life Stages small dog crate includes a free divider panel. A divider panel is great to have, especially if you are raising a puppy, because you will be able to alter the dog’s living area as it grows. You also get a durable, easy to clean plastic pan that slides out of the cage. The pull out tray is an extremely nice feature compared to the really cheap cages that do not have any tray on the bottom. The crate folds up suitcase style with carrying handles, allowing for easy travel and storage. A dog crate is an excellent tool for house or obedience training a dog. This is especially true with puppies. Using a dog crate will allow you to house train your dog in half the time, and it’s great for correcting behavioral problems.

Midwest dog crates are one of the most trusted names in the dog crate industry, being used by millions of dog owners around the world. They last a long time and they are also very affordable. Many crates and pet carriers offer limited visibility and ventilation for your pet, unlike Midwest dog crates. They also feature rounded corners, slide bolt latches and rubber non-skid feet. It is also extremely easy to put a new dog crate together and put it away for storage – no tools are required.

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